Dear Client,
As part of our commitment to provide the most reliable service to our clients, we have completed the MT5 maintenance and upgrade on 16th March, 2024.
If you have login issue on the MT5 software, please follow the instructions below to ensure successful login of your PC and Mobile version of MT5 live and demo accounts:
1. To make sure the new version of MT5 can work successfully, please completely uninstall the original MT5 software.
2. Install the latest version of MT5 from our official website or via the installation package after the uninstallation of the old version:
3. After successful installation of new MT5, log into your live trading account with your current Master Password and follow the MT5’s system instructions to reset the Master Password.
4. If you forget the current Master Password, you can log into the Client Portal to reset your Master Password first. However, you will still need to again reset the Master Password after logging into MT5.
5. Your MT5 Demo account is set to expire. Should you require continued access, kindly create a new MT5 demo account through the client portal.
6. MT4 trading software is not affected by the above and can maintain the original master password.
Thank you for your patience and understanding about this important initiative.
If you’d like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].
リスクの警告: CFDトレーディングには高いリスクが伴うため、必ずしも全ての投資家に適しているとは限りません。CFDトレーディングにおけるレバレッジは、利益と損失を拡大させ、初期資本を上回る可能性があります。事前にCFDトレーディングに関連するリスクを十分に理解し、受け入れることが重要です。トレーディングを決断する前に、お客様の財務状況、投資目標、リスク許容度を考慮して下さい。過去の実績は将来の結果を示すものではありません。CFDトレーディングのリスクに関する包括的な理解については、弊社の法的文書をご参照ください。
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